Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows are worth the wait

Ive had the privileged to see this wonderful movie and all I have to say is it is a must see movie for thanksgiving and any other holiday, date, whatever you wanna do.

This movie is different from all the rest in every sense from the magic using no more kiddie spells now they're much more lethal and advanced. This has to be the best action sequence i have seen in a potter movie in a while .The scenery is much more eerie which is perfect seeing as the world is being purged of all goodness. Even the acting has advanced I almost cried twice real talk. Deathly Hallows launches you and never goes back its a twisting and turning roller coaster ride this time it tries to stay true to the novel and unlike the last movie when it does stray from the book its well worth it. Trust me you will not be disappointed or confused as to whats going on; the build up to the finale is awesome I cant wait for part two.

Verdict: 5/5 Must see movie easily the best Potter segment to date lets see how part 2 stakes up 

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